We, as the human race, have a unique opportunity to change the current health care system around. Instead of focusing on disease and what the disease industry would have us believe, we can now look at the true nature of how the cells in the body can optimize their own healing abilities.
TRUE HEALTH REFORM - The only thing that stands between a person and their own perfect health (pH) is information. Empowered with the right intelligent information, anyone can improve their health, reduce their dependence on prescription drugs, enhance their quality of life, expand their mental awareness and creativity and live longer and happier. |
AID Opportunity To better understand how the body works CLICK HERE for THE AID PROGRAMClick on the TAB marked VIDEOS at the top of page
Welcome to Your ASH Interactive Learning Center
 | | Advanced Health Plan Vickie Barker - AID Coordinator
ASH Family Advocate ASH Researcher since 1999
When we GIVE BACK to the body that which it was intended to have when it was Created, in the proper form, correct ratio and with sufficient supply, it can and will heal itself.
When the doctor gave me a prognosis of 3 to 5 years, I WOKE UP. I finally realized that continuing orthodox medical treatment was not only NOT making me well, it was actually shortening my life expectancy. I became an Advanced Scientific Health Researcher in 1999. The knowledge I have gained from the advanced scientific health community has not only provided the INDISPUTABLE Fact that the human body was Created perfectly but has given me the key to the Natural Cure for ALL Disease.
I thank God that someone took the time to share the Advanced Scientific Health (ASH) information with me. Many of my family members and friends are alive and well today only because they made the time to learn and became advanced scientific health researchers. I encourage you to do the same. ~Vickie Barker
ASH is a way to help yourself and others without utilizing government money and without risking our health and lives to potentially dangerous pharmacuetical drugs and mainstream medical procedures.
I am inviting you to join with us as an Advanced Scientific Health (ASH) researcher and become a part of the "Army of LifeSavers" Today! NATURAL, SIMPLE, SAFE, EFFECTIVE AND AFFORDABLEAdvanced Scientific Health (ASH)Arming Ourselves for the Future With Knowledge from the PastThe following Key Words for this page do not do the ASH program justice; advanced cancer treatment, anti-cancer diet, prevent heart disease, ash home, mlm, network marketing, alternative treatment, health knowledge, education, income opportunity, and will do little to rank in the search engines. |