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![]() for Medical Practitioners, Health Care Providers AND Families. The information
provided in this Guide is now saving 10's of 1,000's of
![]() Most people believe that genetics or bad luck gave them diseases for which the only treatments are drugs and surgeries. As a result, organized medicine will sell an estimated three-trillion-dollars worth of drugs and surgeries in 2012. Drugs and surgeries are obviously not the solution to our medical problems; each year MORE, not fewer people die slowly (and expensively) from pharmaceutically and surgically-treated diseases. Throughout this research you will discover the works of Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling, Nobel Laureate Otto Warburg, Dr. Keith Brewer and others. Their common thread was "Orthomolecular" medicine which is the study of health through nutrition at the cellular level. Orthomolecular protocol could be described as giving back to the body that with which it was born and the body will heal itself. ASH is a Research Team Dedicated to Spreading the Good News about how you and all your loved ones can live a Disease FREE Life. It is our hearts desire that you will consider joining us in researching the facts, applying the knowledge and sharing this Life-Changing message with the Masses. ASH Researchers reside in every state in the United States and in over 20 countries worldwide. All ASH members are themselves researchers. ASH Researchers share their research so that more lives can be saved. Through the study and implementation of "Orthomolecular" science, diseases such as; Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons, right down to the common cold, can be prevented simply by giving the body the nutrients it needs. Unfortunately, the Law of Health and Disease is not taken into consideration nor is it being factored in to any diagnosis, prognosis, medical treatment plan or procedure by the medical mainstream or the alternative health care community. Neglecting this simple Law of Health & Disease is the major contributor to the current health care crisis facing this nation. The numbers being diagnosed and suffering with degenerative diseases continue to rise. Increase in the costs of treating these so-called diseases also continues to rise. Isn't it time to take a more logical approach? Science has given us the proof that the human body was Created perfectly. The body was created to have specific elements, minerals and enzymes available in the proper ratio, the correct form and in sufficient supply to create the optimum internal environment. An internal environment that would not [ and could not ] host any disease. ANY body can heal itself of ANY disease within a very short period of time, once this knowledge is applied. This is a very natural, simple, safe, effective and affordable solution for billions. Today is the day we truly reform the health care system in this country and around the world. Begin learning today! It could save your life, or the life of someone you care for. Soon there will be no reason to give thought to dis-ease but only to simply enjoy good health. |