Killing cancer cells with high Ph therapy PH range <--Cell death-><-----Mitosis--------><---------Cell death-------> -----------6.5---------------------7.35---------7.5--------- Cells, whether cancerous or normal can only live and reproduce (undergo mitosis) in a Ph range of between 6.5 and 7.5. A healthy cell has a Ph of 7.35 while a cancer cell is more acidic. Cesium Chloride when taken orally will raise the Ph of cancer cells, but not that of normal cells. When the Ph of a cell goes above 7.5 it dies and if it goes above 8.0 it will die in a matter of hours.What can enter a cancer cell Every cell in the body is like a little battery. To successfully bring nourishment in, and take poisons out, it has to be fully charged. In a cancerous cell, the charge (called cell voltage) drops from 90 millivolts to less than 40 millivolts. When the cell voltage gets to the very bottom, only 5 substances can pass in or out of the cell. They are water, sugar, potassium, cesium and rubidium. Oxygen cannot enter into a cancer cell. So you see, even if there is a lot of oxygen in the blood, it won't get into the cell. Cesium, because of its electrical properties can still enter the cancerous cell. When it does so, because of it's extreme alkalinity, the cell dies. Luckily, healthy cells are not affected by cesium because their cell voltage allows them to balance themselves. The only side effect is a loss of potassium which can be remedies with eating a few bananas or potatoes.It is interesting to note that cancer is virtually unknown among the Hopi Indians of Arizona and the Hunza of Northern Pakistan, so long as they stay in the same environment. This strongly suggests that something they are consuming is protecting them from cancer. The Hopi water is rich in Rubidium and potassium. The Hunza water is rich in Cesium and potassium, making both of the water supplies rich with very caustically (alkaline) active metals. In his publication, Cesium therapy in cancer patients, Dr. Sartori describes the 2 week treatment of 50 last stage, metastasized, terminal cancer patients (13 comatose), with Cesium chloride salts. All were expected to die within weeks, with the survival rate being less than one in ten million. After 2 weeks, 13 died with autopsies showing no presence of cancer. After 12 months, 12 more had died, but 25, an astounding 50% survived. *Cesium has no natural radioactive form, and should not be confused with Cesium 137 which is artificially produced. Cancer cells are very weak, far weaker than healthy cells. It is very easy to kill cancer cells if you can create the right environment. The following protocols are deadly to cancer cells, yet harmless if not outright beneficial to healthy cells. The High pH Environment Cancer cells live in an acidic environment, but perish in an alkaline, high Ph, environment. Although many diets can help you alkalinize your body, nothing works as fast as Cesium Chloride. Cesium Chloride*, a crystalline salt has been used successfully for cancer for many years now. Cesium Chloride works by raising the cancer cell's Ph to a highly alkaline state. Although many anti-cancer diets also produce an alkaline state, they simply cannot do so as quickly or as fully as Cesium Chloride can. Cesium Therapy in Cancer patients H.E. Sartori Certain foods contain biologically active compounds and/or ingredients, i.e., vitamins inorganic salts, organic compounds, essential fatty acids, minerals, and chelating agents which may either precipitate or prevent cancer development. The relationship between dietary consumption and cancer development is not clear and further investigation continues. Noteworthy is the report on the presence of high levels of cesium [Cs] and rubidium [Rb] in food along with availability of various supportive compounds as vitamins A and C, along with zinc and selenium in diet of populations residing in areas with low incidence of cancer e.g., the Hopi Indian territory in Arizona, the Hunza area in North Pakistan, and the volcanic regions of Brazil. The diet of these populations is similar to the nutritive requirements for the high Ph cancer therapy developed by Brewer subsequent series of physical experiments with cancer cells. In these tests the presence of Cs+ or Rb+ in the adjacent fluids of the tumor cell is believed to raise the Ph of the cancer cell where mitosis will cease resulting in reduction of life span of the cancer cell. The introduction of such alkaline Ph by these alkali salts may also neutralize the acidic and toxic material within the cancer cell. This report combines the use of CsCl with various supportive agents. which have been hypothesized both to enhance the entry of Cs+ into the cancer cell and to stimulate the immune response, in the treatment of various cancers. Method Treatment was performed on 50 patients during the last three years at Life Sciences Universal Medical Clinics in Rockville MD and in Washington D.C. All patients were terminal subjects with generalized metastatic disease. Forty-seven of the 50 patients studies had received maximal modalities of treatment, i.e., surgery, radiation, and various chemotherapy, before metabolic Cs-treatment was initiated. Three patients were comatose and 14 of the patients were considered terminal due to previous treatments outcome and cancer complications. The type of cancer of the patients studied and their number is detailed in table 1. The Cs-treatment was given in conjunction of other supportive compounds under diet control in addition to the utilization of specific compounds to produce adequate circulation and oxygenation. According to individual cases CsCl was given at daily dosages of 6 to 9 grams in 3 equally divided doses, with vitamin A-emulsion (100,000 to 300,000 U), vitamin C (4 to 30 grams), zinc (80 to 100 mg) selenium (600 to 1,200 mcg) and amygdalin (1,500 mg) in addition to other supplementations according to the specific needs of the patient. The diet consisted mainly of whole grains, vegetables, linolenic acid rich oils (linseed, walnut, soy, wheat germ) and other supplemental food. To increase efficiency of the treatment and improve the circulation and oxygenation, the patients received the chelating agent EDTA, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and also a combination of vitamins, K and Mg salts. Results Table 1 summarizes the results of the Cs-treatment of 50 cancer patients studied over 3 years. They had generalized metastatic disease, except for 3 patients. Initial death occurrences fir the initial 2 week treatment was in the same order and magnitude of these recorded for the 12 month period. The percent of survival of breast, colon, prostate, pancreas, and lung cancer accounted to approximately, 50% recovery which was higher than that noted for liver cancer and the lymphoma patients treated. An overall 50% recovery from cancer by the Cs-therapy was determined in the 50 patients treated. Data from the autopsy made indicated the absence of tumors in patient dying within 14 days of the Cs-treatment. One of the most striking effects of the treatment was the disappearance of pain in all patients within 1 to 3 days after initiation of the Cs-therapy. These studies were performed under my direction, initiated in April, 1981. Twenty-eight patients were initially treated with CsCl between April, 1981 to October, 1982. They were subjected to various cancer therapies, e.g., surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, and were considered terminal cases with metastatic disease except for 3 patients who were not previously treated. Three patients were comatose at the time of the Cs treatment. Thirteen patients died within less than 2 weeks of treatment. Each patient showed a reduction in tumor mass by the Cs-treatment. Of the breast cancer patients, the most impressive effect was seen n a female patient who was comatose at the beginning of the Cs-treatment and was considered a terminal case. The Cs-therapy, with other ingredients used, was immediately instituted by nasogastric route because there was no cooperation from the patient. The daily CsCl dose given amounted to 30 grams, 10 grams given 3 times daily. The patient was able to leave after 5 days of treatment. However the patient's fall on the floor resulted in complications, i.e., fracture of the neck, and death. The autopsy revealed that the cancer metastasis had essentially eaten away her hip bone causing this tragic accident. The autopsy performed also showed the presence of very little cancer tissue. The next most frequent cancer treated was of unknown primary. Treatment of 8 cases showed a death rate of 2 within 14 days of treatment and an additional 2 deaths within 12 months while 4 of the patients are still living. In one case, an autopsy was made in a patient after one week of Cs-treatment and showed a complete disappearance of the cancer. There were 7 cases of colon cancer patients who were treated with CsCl. Two of these patients died within 14 days, one of the patients had previous massive chemotherapy, and little time was available to restore her metabolic condition. The previous existing infiltration of the abdominal wall disappeared. However, no consent was given for an autopsy. In one lymphoma case the patient displayed an unusually large abdomen which was hard and he weighed approximately 250 pounds. The massively enlarged abdomen began to decline in volume, i.e., a loss of approximately 120 pounds of body weight was noted after 3 months of the Cs- therapy. The spleen which was originally maximally enlarged and reaching into the pelvis was reduced to almost normal size. The liver position was down to about the level of the umbilicus and was also reduced to normal size in 3 months. The patient is still living after 3 years after his discharge. Unfortunately, there is no follow-p on this patient and he is being maintained on chemotherapy. Discussion The results presented demonstrate the rate of efficacy of CsCl in cancer therapy. The total 50 cancer cases studied show an impressive 50% survival rate. This confirms the work of Messiha reported in these proceedings showing that the higher the dose it is, the more effective it seems to be. The autopsy obtained from the patient whose death was attributed to traumatic fracture of the neck, indicated that cancer had been initially further advanced resulting in bone destruction. However, the absence of cancer after the massive CsCl dose used in this case is demonstrable of the Cs-therapy. It appears that both dosage, i.e., as much as 30 grams/day and route of drug administration, i.e., nasogastric pathway, might have contributed to the patients rapid recovery. It should be noted, however, that CsCl dose regimens should no exceed 20 to 40 grams due to side effects, mainly nausea, and diarrhea. The authors personal experience with CsCl after an acute dose of 40 prams CsCl indicate that extensive nausea and parethesia around the mouth are the major side effects. This is probably due to K depletion. The usual dose used in the clinic ranges from 2 to 3 grams given by mouth 3 times daily. At a later time, at which time there is no indication of cancer presence, the CsCl dosage will be reduced to a preventative dose between .5 and 1 gram a day. The lymphoma case presented shows that CsCl efficiently reduced massive enlargements of spleen and liver as well as maximal ascites, causing an abdominal configuration of a tight, hard hemisphere, to almost normalize after 3 months of therapy. This period of time was required to eliminate such a massive volume resulting in the reduction of the body weight noted. The clinical efficacy of CsCl high pH metabolic therapy is best demonstrated by a recent case of primary liver cancer (not included in the 50 cases reported in this study). The patient was a 39 year old female teacher who was terminal. She was brought on a stretcher on April 25, 1984 with a large liver tumor extending approximately 3 cm below the umbilical level. The treatment was then immediately instituted. This consisted of administration of CsCl, Beta-carotene, Vitamin C, Zn, Se, Mn, Cr, and K salts by the oral route in addition to a concomitant massive IV doses of ascorbate, K, Mg, Zn, Cn, Mn, Cr salts, B complex vitamins, folic acid, DMSO and heparin. After 5 consecutive treatment regimens EDTA was introduced to the therapy and the minerals present in the solution were discontinued. On May 10, 1984, the patient was discharged, returned home walking without assistance and displaying a smile on her face. The liver tumor had shrunk to 5 cm above the umbilicus. The determination of alphafetoprotein (AFP), a specific marker for liver cancer, rare embronal cancer and teratomas, decreased from the unusually high value of 39,000 units, compared to normal levels of 13 units, measured before initiation of Cs-therapy, to 5000 units obtained on the last day of treatment. The mechanism of action of Cs in cancer has been little studied. Both Cs+ and Rb+ can specifically enter the cancer cells and embryonic cells, but not normal adult cells has been demonstrated by Brewer. The cancer cells contain high amounts of hydrogen ions rendering them acidic and they also contain high Na+ levels than found in normal cells. If Cs+ or Rb+ can enter the cancer cells then the pH increases from as low as 5.5 to over pH 7.0. At a pH of 7.6 the cancer cell division will stop, at a pH of 8.0 to 8.5 the lifespan of it is considerably shortened (only hours). In one case, the author has observed the shrinkage of metastases of breast cancer after one hour of Cs-treatment. Two days later wrinkles of the skin appeared where the tumor was present. In another case of a colon cancer with massive metastasis, of massive infiltration of the abdominal wall, liver and other tissues, seemed to have been reduced within 24 hours and continuing rapidly until the demise of the patient on the 14th day of the Cs-treatment. The uric acid levels measured at the onset of treatment was approximately 3.5 units which was increased to over 20 units, suggesting massive breakdowns of DNA, which produces the uric acid output. Therefore, destruction of nuclear acids, as reflected by a significant rise in the uric acid, may be used as a predictive measurement for treatment outcome. The failure of uric acid elevation may be indicative of lack of destruction of cancer cells. This has proven to be a very consistent finding in our clinic. There are certain factors which may enhance the Cs-therapy. The Cs-penetration into the cancer cells can be increased by the following three methods: The first approach resides in broadening the electron donor capacity of the cancer cell membrane by the application of cyanide, an electron donor radical as found in nitriles (amygdalin, Laetrile, mandelonitrite, prunasin, ficin, cassivin), by selenium oxide, an electron donor radical, or by the use of DMSO. The second approach enhances the potential gradient across the cancer cell membrane by the utilization of weak acids like ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and retinoic acid (Vitamin A). The third method attempts to improve the circulation to the tumor and facilitate the destruction of cross-linkages in the mucoid and fibrinous substances around the cancer cell. This can be achieved by chelation therapy, i.e., the use of EDTA as has been shown by Blumer who reported on the reduction of cancer incidence by 90% by chelating patients (an average of 15 chelations in 8 years). This approach also reduced cardiovascular disease by 50%. Other chelating agents can also be used. Moreover, the use of beta-carotene will lead to decomposition of blocking mucoid proteins mediated by electrical charges; Also, heparin, which acts through electrical charges, will inactivate the immune repelling and immune binding capacities of the blocking mucoid proteins. These approaches will hinder cancer growth and they are virtually atoxic. It should be noted that certain behavioral characteristics "the cancer personality" of the cancer patient may interfere in any projected treatment modality. This has been reported by Lawrence LeShan in his book entitled "You can fight for your life." His studies suggested that cancer patients seeking treatment, e.g., chemotherapy, radiation or surgery, are probably motivated by a covert desire for death. For example, statements such as, "rather than undergoing any of those treatments, I would rather die in peace," or "I would never undergo any of those treatments or let anyone of my family undergo them because the effectiveness is unproven and the damage that is done with any of those treatments is higher than the effects." are often expressed. Thus, both chemotherapy and lifestyle changes may also contribute to an effective therapy. The High Oxygen Environment Nobel Laureate Otto Warburg demonstrated that normal cells would become irreversibly cancerous if the environment they rested in had their oxygen levels lowered by 35% for 48 hours. A healthy individual has an a blood oxygen level of between 98 and 100 as measured by a pulse oximeter. Cancer patients routinely show very low oxygen levels in their blood, usually around 60. According to Nobel prize laureate Dr. Warburg, This low oxygen environment is one of the main reasons cancer cells form. Unfortunately, the main traditional therapies for cancer, namely radiation and chemotherapy, also have been shown to drastically lower blood oxygen levels. Fortunately, there are several ways to raise oxygen levels. There are certain supplements that can be taken orally or by IV, but perhaps the easiest, and safest is to exercise while breathing in oxygen enriched air. An oxygen generator can produce 6 liters of 95% pure oxygen all day long. A 20 minute light exercise session like using a mini trampoline or a stationary bicycle done while breathing in oxygen can raise blood oxygen levels to 99 in minutes. The High Enzyme Environment Cancer cells develop a protein coating 13 times thicker than normal cells. This makes it difficult for the immune system to attack them. By ingesting high doses of pancreatin, you can actually dissolve cancer cells inside the body. In the natural course of one's lifetime, millions of cancer cells develop, and are harmlessly digested by the immune system. The body uses pancreatin (shown at right), a secretion from the pancreas to dissolve the cancer cells. As we age, the pancreas is less and less able to make this important substance. By taking pancreatin orally, it is possible to increase the levels of its active ingredients in the blood, thereby helping the body break down the cancer cells and remove them from circulation.Pancreatin as a digestive enzyme is available from any health food store in the country, however this type of pancreatin is useless for the cancer patient. The active ingredients in pancreatin which have shown to have tumor dissolving abilities are trypsin and chymotrypsin. These ingredients were taken out of virtually all the pancreatin supplements available to consumers years ago. These active ingredients are being bought in massive quantities by the sewerage industries to digest the sewerage into less noxious forms.
This is exactly what is needed in the human body. Our own internal
sewerage needs to be dissolved, and to do this, the body uses
trypsin and chymotrypsin. "especially", if you or someone you love has been diagnosed with Cancer.
"Health on the Shelf" from information provided at http://www.cancer-therapy.net for personal information as we are not doctors and do not treat or diagnos. |